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Hlavní obsah





New York Math

Algebra II: Algebra - Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

Understand the relationship between zeros and factors of polynomials.


Fully covered
Apply the Remainder Theorem: For a polynomial p(x) and a number a, the remainder on division by x – a is p(a), so p(a) = 0 if and only if (x – a) is a factor of p(x).
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Fully covered
Identify zeros of polynomial functions when suitable factorizations are available. (Shared standard with Algebra I)
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Rewrite rational expressions.


Not covered
Rewrite rational expressions in different forms: Write a(x)/b(x) in the form q(x) + r(x)/b(x), where a(x), b(x), q(x), and r(x) are polynomials with the degree of r(x) less than the degree of b(x).
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