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Hlavní obsah

Kapitola 1: Atomy, sloučeniny a ionty

In chemistry, we will often be thinking about the world on a much smaller scale than you can see with the naked eye. Here we will learn about atoms and elements, tiny particles that make up the world around us. What are atoms, and what kind of properties do they have? How do we weigh and count atoms? We will answer those questions in this section!
There are 118 elements on the periodic table, and often you will see them combine in specific ratios to form compounds. In this tutorial we will learn about the different ways that chemists represent, count, and categorize compounds.
Zjistěte, jak lze hmotnostní spektrometrii použít k detekci izotopů, neboli atomů téhož prvku s různým počtem neutronů.
AP® je registrovaná značka patřící College Board. College Board není zodpovědna za výukový obsah na Khan Academy.